Spirit in the Making

Recuperative studio time.  Quiet reflection, drawing marks on the cloth with wet paste, watching the image disappear as the paste dries in the sun, then magically re-appear with the steam.  The wind took a break for a day.  The sun was warm, the cloth cooperative, giving up it’s color without too much fight.


After the show, so many questions swirling, decisions to be made, pros/cons to consider, the best path forward.  A year of major investment, discovery, and learning about art business.  Learning and deciding in real time to change a path, make a pivot on a plan, and keep moving ahead.  Its all pretty dizzying really.


In getting back to the studio, it is good to have an order from a museum store to focus the work, and provide a purpose for the making.  Marrying the need to create with a market for what’s made, planting that seed, tending carefully to it’s growth.


And then letting go of all that serious-ity, forging a temporary truce between art and business.  Spirit replenishment is always in the Making.

7 comments to Spirit in the Making

  • Louise K Hall

    Love your work and work ethic. Congratulations on your contract with the museum gallery shop. Super exposure and wonderful way to market your work. I’m thrilled for you.

    • Ayn

      thanks Louise, I try to just keep going, listening and adjusting along the way. after putting so much energy outward, getting into the studio refills my cup. so great to meet you at the show!

  • Sally Mom

    What a great blog! That’s my daughter — continually alive! growth and change always has described her “game”…Full of surprises, light and joy! So lucky to be your mom! Love where your art is taking you.

  • Hi Ayn,
    Your blogging about the show business journey has been so insightful! I am eager for you to do well and land some shops out here in the Northeast (would not mind some of Barbara’s cut outs making it this way as well).

    Thank you for sharing. Keep doing what you do.

    • Ayn

      Hi Gretchen, thanks for all the good wishes. This year has been a breaking out and open of sorts and good news is, come August time frame, there’s an art museum store not too far from your location that will have some of my work….more to come on that in the next few months.

  • That is so exciting!!!